
Dear RMS Customer,

We think that your issue can be solved based upon the knowledge article below.

Knowledge Article Title: Wireless datalogger timeout error
Description: RMS-MLOG-T10-868 is in timeout and the gateway is connected.
Keywords: Device timeout error; wireless


Software Edition: Cloud
Software Version: V2.1.1
R&D Project Number: N/A
Product Part Number: RMS-MLOG-T10-868
Product Firmware Version: V1.5


Issue: A wireless device is in timeout.
  1. Review the online manual recommendations.
  2. Check the audit trail for “measuring time not valid” events.
  3. Replace the battery.
  4. Unplugging and plugging the gateway.
Details: Online manual recommendations:
Battery replacement:

Please let us know if this has helped solve your issue. If so, we will close this support case. If not, we will explore other possibilities.

Thank you and best regards,
Your RMS Support Team